Should you change the domain name of your blog? Read and decide!

Should you change the domain name of your blog? Read and decide!
The Problem:
You have a blog with a specific topic that is difficult to find on Google. You’ve searched for keywords related to your website, but nothing has worked. The result? Your website doesn’t rank as highly and potential traffic from search engines goes elsewhere. If this sounds familiar, read on…

The “blog name generator” is a website that will help you decide if it’s worth changing your blog’s domain name. The website will generate a list of possible names for you to choose from.

Should you change the domain name of your blog? Read and decide!

Your blog’s fundamental identification is its domain name. If your business succeeds, your domain name becomes your brand identity! It’s how visitors remember and return to your website. As a result, the choice to alter your domain name is equally crucial to think about. Before making this major change, you should think about a few things, depending on the state of your blog or website. Today’s article will assist you in making an informed selection. I’ll show you when it’s a good idea to alter your blog’s domain name and when it’s advisable to avoid doing so!

Reasons for a domain name change

There are a variety of reasons why you may want to change the domain name of your blog. The following are the most prevalent reasons:

  • You could just want to start again with a new blog or website. For example, your present domain name may not reflect your specialty, or you may just wish to start over with a more meaningful and memorable domain name.
  • It’s possible that the scope of your blog has changed. For instance, someone may have begun with a camera review blog, but subsequently discovered that they want to cover a lot more in the digital photography realm.
  • It’s possible that your current domain name isn’t drawing enough visitors.
  • Due to a probable merger, acquisition, or partnership, your company’s identification may have changed.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Changing Your Domain Name


  • Your new domain name will be a reflection of your new company’s image.
  • It might assist you in attracting more relevant readers/customers.
  • Aids in the development of your new brand image
  • If your new domain name is more relevant to your selected subject, it will help you generate more organic visitors.


  • Brand identity loss (if your previous domain was well established)
  • Organic traffic is dwindling. This is because search engines take time to phase out old URLs from their index and re-crawl fresh ones, resulting in ranking decreases. It might take months or even years for your rankings to recover.
  • Loss of business or the potential of your blog to produce money (as a direct result of loss in organic traffic)

When is the best time to switch your domain name?

You should think about changing your domain name when:

  • You’ve just recently begun your blogging adventure. Let’s say it’s just 1-2 years.
  • Your existing domain name is odd and does not match your specialty properly. For example, if your domain name is and you are in the vehicle review business, you should consider rebranding it to something more significant and relevant to your present sector.

When is it best not to change your domain name?

Never consider altering your domain name if you:

  • Your domain name is well-known and has a long history. For example, I’ve been writing for 9 years at The domain name is now well-known, authoritative, and receives a lot of organic traffic. If I consider altering my domain name at this time, I will be mad.
  • You have a well-known brand. Consider Forbes, one of the most well-known and influential business publications in the world. If they decide to rebrand now and alter their domain name, their internet presence and brand identification would suffer.

How can you make the switch to your new domain name go as smoothly as possible?

Take the above-mentioned criteria into consideration. If you determine that changing your domain address is helpful, follow the procedures outlined below to make the transfer easier for both your visitors and search engines:

This tutorial assumes you’re working with WordPress as your content management system.

  • Purchase the domain name of your choice.
  • WordPress should be installed on your new domain.
  • On your old WordPress site, install the All-in-One WP Migration plugin.
  • Using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin, export / download your previous WordPress site.


  • On your new WordPress site, install the same plugin.
  • Using the WP Migration plugin, import your backup file from your old website to your new website.


That is all there is to it.

How do you set up Redirects?

As soon as you’ve moved your website to a new domain name, you’ll need to set up redirects to help the transfer go more smoothly. Redirects are highly significant because they allow you to easily redirect your visitors from old URLs to new URLs.

We’ll use.htaccess to set up 301 redirects at the domain level. Take the following steps:

  • Log in to your former WordPress site’s cpanel.
  • The.htaccess file may be found in the File Manager.
  • To modify the.htaccess file, just right-click it and choose edit.
  • Replace and with your own domain names and paste in the following code…

HTTP HOST (?:www.) RewriteEngine On RewriteCond percent $ RewriteRule [NC] [L,R=301] percent REQUEST URI

  • Save the file.
  • Now, utilize the Search Console’s change of address tool to notify Google of the new domain name. This notifies Google that you’ve switched to a new domain, and it begins deleting the old URLs from its database and indexing the new ones.

Tell us about your experience.

I hope you find this information helpful in determining whether or not you should change your domain name. Please share your ideas and experiences in the comments section…

Watch This Video-

The “blog name ideas” is a question that has been asked many times before. The blog’s domain name is the first impression that people will get of your website, so it is important to choose a good one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should your domain name be the same as your blog name?

A: Its not a bad idea, but it depends on the blog. For photos that are done with actual cameras, I think it could be a good choice since itll show people at first glance where they can find more of your work. But for creative content like written blogs or podcasts or even video games, you might want to use something else to distinguish between different types of things.

Should I change my blog name?

A: No.

Can I change the domain name of my blog?

A: Yes, you can change the domain name of your blog.

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