Of all the amazing industries, the iGaming one continues to turn heads and fill bank accounts. There’s no doubt that the modern-day iGaming industry benefits tremendously from the online gaming industry. With more states fighting to legalize online casinos and the rise of social gaming, we are truly in the golden era of online casino play. Helping the iGaming industry boost its membership ranks is artificial intelligence.
AI Benefits in iGaming
The list is nearly endless when describing the benefits that AI has on the iGaming sector. The first line of defense, and arguably the most crucial, is cybersecurity. Because online casinos generate tens of billions every year, you can best believe that talented cybercriminals are working night and day to steal your personal and financial information with the same intensity as financial institutions.
Challenges that AI Solves for iGaming
The first thing that AI does on behalf of the iGaming industry is check the integrity and the strength of the current cyber network. Using its advanced tools, AI is better equipped than trained human professionals to find the weak points in the online casino network. Going one step further, it also offers recommendations on how to improve them.

Even if there aren’t vulnerable spots, AI tools can pinpoint future problems down the road with suggestions about how to fix them.
AI helping iGaming with Registration
Of course, keeping bad actors out of the network is only a piece of the puzzle. Because every online casino requires new members to register, it’s important that they weed out bad actors from the jump. The best way to do this is with a sophisticated registration form. Long gone are the days of simply creating an iGaming account by using an email and a basic password. Hackers are way too sharp and hip to that.
When creating an iGaming account, you are flooded with many personal information questions including your address and parts of your social security number. When you submit the form, artificial intelligence works behind the scenes to verify the member’s information to see if it is genuine.
AI for Ongoing Member Security
Even when a member is successfully registered and part of the iGaming family, the work to maintain a safe gaming environment ratchets up a notch.

With behavioral AI tools, the iGaming site knows all the genuine habits of all of its members. That way, if they do something out of the ordinary, AI can work in real-time on behalf of the iGaming site to protect the network’s integrity.
If something is suspicious, AI tools can require more verification and keep those members logged out until that member produces that information. Even with successfully registered members, AI tools often use multi-factor authentication measures to verify that only genuine members access the network.
AI for More Personalized iGaming
AI continues to endure with members because the tone and tenor are now more personal. Constantly gathering data about the games that members prefer to play. Not only that, but AI can also create custom strategy guides to help each member improve their game. The cherry on the sundae is having dynamic bonuses made for each player to prefer the actual games they want to.